Is someone suffering from serious injuries from an accident you caused after driving under the influence (DUI)? Although you are responsible for what happened, you deserve fair punishment and should hire a lawyer to help you through the unfortunate situation. Find out below what a DUI lawyer will do to convince the court that you deserve a less amount of punishment, as well as what he or she may charge for assisting with the case.

How Can a DUI Lawyer Assist When Guilty of Injuring Someone in a Collision?

Your overall police record and character will play a major role in the outcome of your case. A lawyer will thoroughly review your criminal records to come up with an argument on your behalf. For instance, he or she will try to convince the judge that you are not a habitual criminal and that you simply made the wrong decision. Proving your character will be done by the lawyer speaking to people that know you, such as your coworkers, friends, family members and neighbors. It should be easy getting you a light sentence if you are generally a law-abiding citizen.

Your drinking habits will also be the focus of your lawyer's defense for you. He or she will ask you how often you drink, and you will also be asked if you have a drug habit. Make sure that you are truthful because lies will only hurt you. Keep in mind that every word exchanged between you and your lawyer will be kept strictly confidential. Your lawyer will be able to better prepare for the trial if you don't hold any of your habits back.

Your lawyer will make sure that you are treated fairly by:

  • Investigating the other party's injuries
  • Making sure you don't spend a lot of time behind bars
  • Assessing the collision scene to make sure you were in the wrong

Will a DUI Lawyer Charge an Hourly Rate for Assistance?

How you are charged for legal assistance will depend on who is hired to help you out. Some DUI lawyers charge an estimate of $100 plus per hour to assist clients. Basically, you will have to pay an upfront fee known as a retainer that will give the lawyer security and a means for deducting the hourly rate. He or she can also charge a flat fee, which is usually based on the complexity of the case. Speak with a DUI lawyer so he or she can work out your case as soon as possible!

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