Finding yourself behind bars for drunk driving can be quite a sobering experience. Once you get past the embarrassment and anger at yourself, however, it's best to seek legal help. No matter where it happened or the exact circumstances of the arrest, the penalties for driving while intoxicated (DUI) are stringent and unforgiving.

Fortunately, all those arrested have an opportunity to a trial or a plea bargain, and the intricacies of a DUI arrest can create doubt in several areas. Most people arrested were administered the three common field sobriety tests explored below. These tests were developed in concert with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), but after hearing more you may wish they had consulted some medical experts as well. Read on to learn more.

The One-Legged Stand

This test requires the ability to stand on only one leg held at a certain angle while counting. Those with muscle, balance, neurological, or other physical problems are not likely to be able to hold that pose for the required count.

The Walk-and-Turn Test

While this test looks easy, it's more difficult than it appears. The ability to follow directions is being tested in all of these field sobriety tests, and this one can provide law enforcement with several clues on sobriety since people under the influence exhibit poor cognitive skills. This test has two potential pitfalls when it comes to perfectly sober people managing to fail it. The directions can be complicated but a complete understanding is necessary. If the instructions are provided to the test subject too rapidly or there is a language barrier, then the subject has little chance of performing the motions correctly. There are a few additional issues with this test.

The subject is told to walk a straight (imaginary, in some cases) line, but testing on the side of a highway, in the dark and with blue lights flashing all around can cause almost anyone to have problems with the turn and walk. The subject is asked to walk placing heel to toe, but some people have problems with their legs or feet, making this placement impossible. This test depends on balance, but those with neurological issues may have balance problems.

The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus

This test can be more complicated to conduct as well as to pass. The officer holds a penlight or another object a certain distance from the subject's eyes and follows how the subject's eyes follow the movements. At certain points, the existence of rapid movement can indicate inebriation. Unfortunately, it can also indicate vision problems and neurological issues.

The manner these tests were conducted can be subject to a closer look. Speak to your attorney about your field sobriety tests right away.
