Just because you have been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), it doesn't mean that you will go to prison. First of all, DUI convictions don't always end in incarceration. Secondly, there are things you can do to reduce the risk of incarceration. The following are some of the measures you can take to avoid prison due to a DUI charge.

Don't Resist Arrest

If the police stop you and suspect you of a DUI, the worst thing you can do is to resist arrest or get violent. Follow the police's instructions as far as they don't infringe on your rights. This means stating your name if asked or showing proof of your insurance and license, among other things. Resisting arrest is actually a separate crime, and the more crimes you rack up during the DUI stop, the less likely the judge is to view your case favorably.

Don't Just Plead Guilty

It can be tempting to plead guilty during your arraignment. Some people actually plead guilty to minimize the time and resources they would have used to defend the case. However, you are likely to receive the harshest penalty possible if you admit your full guilt without any defense or negotiation.

Don't forget that prosecutors sometimes opt for serious charges with the knowledge that the defendant will be able to plea bargain to a lesser charge. Therefore, if you plead guilty to your original charges, you may be convicted of a serious charge that necessitates incarceration. Instead, even if you want to plead guilty, try to work out a plea bargain with the prosecution for a lesser charge and punishment first.

Avoid Further DUIs

If you are out on bail pending trial, do your best to be a model citizen. Don't rack up further DUI charges before the first one is concluded; don't even ride a bicycle while intoxicated. In fact, it is wise to avoid alcohol at this time because even a public intoxication charge can complicate your trial. You want the court to believe that your initial DUI was a one-time mistake that you won't ever repeat.

Register For an Alcohol Education Program

Lastly, you can also try and buy some favor with the judge by enrolling in an alcohol education program. These programs are meant to expound on the dangers of alcohol and DUIs and help drivers avoid future DUIs. Most people convicted of DUIs have to go through similar programs. However, it doesn't hurt to enroll in one of your own volition; after all, you will learn something even if the enrolment doesn't help you in court.

The above are just a few tips to help you deal with your DUI charges. Consult a criminal lawyer for further advice and help.
